    ACT! Dashboard
    System Requirements
    Obtaining Installation Program
    Running Installation
    Obtaining Updates
    Launching Keystroke Dash
 Dashboard Elements
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       New *Wizard*
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       Filter Icon
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          List View
          KPI View
          Graph View
       User Icon *Legacy ONLY*
       Contact Group Icon *Legacy ONLY*
       Export to Excel Icon
       Grouping Icon
       List Sorting
       List Filtering
       List Summaries
       Date Range and Record Count *Legacy ONLY*
       Change Dashboard Title
    Rows and Columns
    Deleting Panels
 Dashboard Panels
    Company Query
    Contact Query
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    History Query
    Manual SQL Query
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    Solution Query 
    Other - Contact Details
    Other - Database Update
    Legacy Dashboards
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    Renaming Dashboards
    Protecting Dashboards
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    Title Bar Colors
    Custom Relative Dates
    Copying Panels
    Moving Panels
    Printing to Excel
    Printing to PDF
    Adding Logos to Output
    Rescheduling Activities
    Update Fields
    Simple Dashboard
    Creating a Graph
    Creating A KPI
    Advanced Query (Only Wizard)
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Home > Advanced Functions > Update Fields

Update Fields

Selected panels in Keystroke Dash allow fields in the highlighted rows to be updated interactively.  Date fields can be adjusted by a relative number of days or set to a new fixed date, while text fields can have phrases, be removed, replaced or appended.

Updating Text Fields

  1. Highlight the records in the dashboard panel, right click and select Update Fields.
  2. The Update Fields dialog box will appear.  Select a text field and enter a text value.

  3. Select the appropriate function:
    1. Replace:  The entire contents of the field will be replaced with Text Value.  (i.e.  Location = "Palace")
    2. Add To:  The text value is appended to the field (i.e. "Garden State" becomes "Garden State Palace")
    3. Remove From:  If the text value is present in the field, it is deleted.  (i.e. "Palace of the Hills" becomes "of the Hills")
  4. Click OK to perform the update.

Updating Date Fields

  1. Highlight the records in the dashboard panel, right click and select Update Fields.
  2. The Update Fields dialog box will appear.  Select a Date field.

  3. Select the appropriate function:
    1. Adjust by Relative Amount:  The existing date is adjusted by selected hours, days or months.  (i.e.  Amount = 7 days, 4/4/2009 becomes 4/11/2009)
    2. Set Fixed Date:  The existing date field is replaced by selected date.
  4. Click OK to perform the update.

See also

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