Catégorie : Conseils pour Act!
Écrit par Ken Quigley
31 mars 2019

If you are planning on upgrading to Act! v21, we suggest that you read the following list of tips to ensure a pain-free conversion.

  1. Do you have your v21 licence? Ensure that you have your v21 license key before you upgrade. If you are a current Act! Subscriber, or purchased Act! Pro v21 after 1st November, you may have already received your licence from Swiftpage.
  2. Check compatibility Upgrading any software can cause system conflicts due to compatibility issues so we suggest checking that your hardware meets the minimum Act! system requirements. Additionally, you should confirm that your other office software and AddOns that you use with Act! will be compatible. For example, Act! v20.0 supports Office 2010, but v20.1 and newer does not. Also, if you are on an earlier version of Act! which used an older version of Microsoft SQL, this SQL version will need to be uninstalled so that v21 installs the required Microsoft SQL 2014. Spending a bit of time checking requirements prior to installing any software can avoid unnecessary expense for your business, save you time in the long run…and a few headaches.
  3. Will my customizations convert to v21? Yes, any database, report, template, layout customisations will come across with v21, provided you're upgrading from a Act! 2008 or newer (older versions make work, as well, but require template and layout tweaking to work as before).
    If you have any custom programming created for your current version we suggest checking with your provider in case additional updates are required.
  4. Backup, backup, backup! We strongly advise that you have at least one reliable backup of all your data prior to upgrading your database. There is nothing worse that realising that something has gone wrong and you don’t have a backup. See How to back up and restore an Act! database.
  5. Start clean To get the best conversion results, it’s ideal to have your existing database checked and cleaned prior to conversion. Upgrading is a perfect time to purge old data to decrease your database size and increase the efficiency and speed of your database. To get assistance with this process, please email us at Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. or call us 1-800-857-0558.
  6. How much time does it take to upgrade to v21? The time required to upgrade Act! depends on such factors as the number of users, locations and deployment methods. It can take anywhere from 15 minutes for a single user to a few days for larger, more complicated sites. Ensure that you plan the time/day for the upgrade to allow for any unforeseen complications and to avoid your staff sitting around unable to access to their data.
  7. Can I upgrade to v21 myself or will I need help? Many users successfully upgrade Act! themselves however the ability to do so depends on the complexity of your environment. If you are a single user on Act! Pro v18, it is a straight forward install over the top of your existing application. If you have a team of users, are synchronising or use a hosted database service, your upgrade will need more planning and knowledge. Just think of Act! like a new car…do you service the car yourself or take it to an authorised service centre? You want the service done correctly so you don’t have car problems down the track. Our team of Act! Certified Consultants specialise in Act! CRM, so they have the expertise to help you throughout the entire upgrade process – from data clean to training. Utilising our services will ensure that your transition to v21 is smooth and will minimise any downtime for your business ultimately saving you dollars. To discuss your Act! upgrade, email us at Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. or call us at 1-800-857-0558.

You can download Act! Software from our web sites.
Please ensure you download the correct version (Pro or Premium/Premium Web) for your location, please click HERE.

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Spécialistes dans les solutions CRM pour les petites et moyennes entreprises, à travers des services de conseils, de déploiement, d’hébergement, de support et de développement logiciel.

Keystroke est le revendeur #1 de Act! au monde depuis 1994. 


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