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Category: General
Written by Ken Quigley
November 13 2023
I've often joked that there are few original ideas left in the world. It's not that we're incapable of producing them, it's just that too many great ideas already exist that haven't been implemented. Some argue that originality is impossible anyway since everything we do is influenced by our surroundings, experiences, and previous business...
Category: General
Written by Ken Quigley
November 08 2023
Act! users have some unique choices compared to other CRMs, the main one being deployment options - online, on-premise, or both. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and here is a brief comparison of the main features of each option: Cost: On-premise usually requires a high initial investment for purchasing the software, hardware, and...
Category: General
Written by Ken Quigley
October 25 2023
There are many reasons why people should purchase technical support for their Act! software. Here are some of the main benefits of having a reliable and professional technical support team like Keystroke for your Act! CRM investment CRM: Reduce business interruption: Technical support can help you resolve issues faster and more efficiently...
Category: General
Written by Ken Quigley
October 23 2023
With the introduction of Link2surveys, people are asking about the differences people Webforms and online surveys. They're both tools used to gather information from users, but they serve different purposes and have some key differences: Purpose: The main difference between a webform and an online survey is their purpose. A webform is...
Category: General
July 04 2023
All business owners are busy, and most business owners wish there were more hours in the day and more days in the week. Despite this wish, most would humbly acknowledge that mere mortals can, in fact, grow their business within the finite constraints of a normal workday. So what is their secret? Well here are a few time-tested...
Category: General
Written by Ken Quigley
July 03 2023
As most of our customers know, the Keystroke Team is comprised of approximately 60% Canadians, 25% Americans, and about 15% International. This week is a special one for the North American staff in that there are separate statutory holidays for both Canada and the United States, July 3rd (Canada Day) and July 4th (Independence Day) - which are...
Category: General
Written by Ken Quigley
June 19 2023
Many software apps like to boast they'll grow your business, but few actually tell you what those growth ingredients are. Promises abound, but details are scarce. Act! Premium Cloud is different.  Act! Premium Cloud includes a full-featured & easy-to-use online CRM, Marketing Automation, a mobile client, and now FREE online appointment...
Category: General
Written by Ken Quigley
February 19 2023
Most businesses that publish online quote request forms do so with little or no strategy. These forms are typically published on their website as a wish, and often generate an email to some hapless employee who has to stop whatever they're doing each time to process them. Needless to say, if these quote requests come in with enough regularity...
Category: General
Written by Ken Quigley
January 10 2023
The fact that Keystroke is the #1 Act! reseller in the world is not the reason to choose us as your reseller. Over the years we've invested to provide many exclusive advantages to our customers from customer portal, annual free software gifts, cutting edge add-on applications, and many more. It's no wonder that one third of the Act! Consultants in...
Category: General
Written by Ken Quigley
January 01 2023
It's been a while since I looked at a New Year with such optimism. My family is healthy, my business continues to grow, and we have a number of exciting personal and professional initiatives planned for the year ahead. My wife likes to tease me for my "insufferable optimism", but the truth is I have always had faith that things will work out, and...

Who we are?

Specializing in CRM software for small to medium sized businesses, through expert counsel, deployment, hosting, support, and development services.

Delivering fruitful CRM solutions since 1994, Keystroke is the #1 Act! Reseller in the World and Master Act! Distributor for Canada.

Contact Keystroke

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Toronto   500 Gordon Baker Rd. Toronto, ON, M2H 3B4
Toll Free : 800.857.0558
Office : 416.499.3090
Fax : 416.499.1090

Kitchener   250 Woolwich St. S. Breslau, ON N0B 1M0
Toll Free : 800.939.4737 Ext. 1
Office : 519.579.1408


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Monday to Friday: 9AM to 6PM EST
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

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